Iran Healthcare 101

Structure of the Healthcare

Healthcare in the Islamic Republic of Iran is overseen by the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education (MoHME). The MoHME has been on the forefront, developing policy programs and plans, mobilizing resources, monitoring, evaluating, and regulating the delivery of health services. 

The governing of the health system in Iran is organized in three levels:

  • At the first level , the ministry works with the Supreme Council for Health Insurance (SCHI) and the Supreme Council for Health and Food Products (SCHFP).

  • The second level of health governance is overseen by the Board of Trustees at Medical Universities who maintain semi-autonomous control within their areas through the university hospitals.

  • The third level of governance oversees a network of primary health care services and centers.

Financing Healthcare

The people in Iran can finance their healthcare using different insurers, including four of the following public funds:

  • Social Security Medical Insurance, provided by the Social Security Organization (SSO), is one of the largest health insurers. This plan covers employees and self-employed workers in the private sector and employees on short-term contracts in the public sector.

  • Iran Health Insurance Organization (IHIO) offers health coverage for civil servants, socially vulnerable people, students, government employees, and people living in rural areas.

  • Armed Forces Medical Services Insurance Organization (AFMSIO) provides health coverage for military personnel.

  • Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (IKRF) supports the poor segments of the population, who are insured on a need-based assessment. No premium is required for this, as the health costs and other social services are funded by private donations.

There are also other small health insurance plans owned by different state-owned enterprises. Private Insurers also offer complimentary packages to support coverage offered by public funds.

Investment Opportunities

Lucrative opportunities to invest in the kingdomโ€™s healthcare space include but are not limited to:

  • Medical Tourism and Cosmetics

  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

  • Hospitalization

  • Medical Education and Services

Start Ups & Technology

The kingdom has utilized emerging technologies such as Digital Hospital, mHealth (Mobile Health), c-Health (Connected Health), Health 2.0, Data & Analytics, Digital Therapeutics, and Health Information Technology by various startups. 

These emerging technologies have ensured healthcare services are available and accessible to everyone easily. Notable startups include:

  • Synapse

  • Fullfekr

  • Nobaan

  • Good Doctor (pezeshkekhoob)

  • Tavanito


The health sector in Iran faces challenges towards development. Such challenges include but are not limited to:

  • Despite the health insurance options available in the country, most of the healthcare expenses are still financed by out-of-pocket payments.

  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) remain a threat, especially to the aging population.

  • There is limited information regarding the healthcare system, which hinders the process for making policies, which are important to the healthcare system.


  • The government works effectively to lower the out-of-pocket payments, as laid out in the fifth five year Iranian Development Plan.

  • Nationwide campaigns will help motivate the population to maintain a healthy lifestyle by avoiding habits like smoking and eating too much sugar.

  • The government should establish an acceptable registry system for people seeking healthcare services at different health centers. This is crucial in developing a database that will be used as a foundation in policy making.


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