Adam wa Mishmish — Arabic Kids Songs


Review by: Grace Landsberg

The short
Back to basics: use Adam wa Mishmish videos to drive single, simple categories of Arabic words into your memory.

The long
Adam wa Mishmish is an Arabic resource meant for children ages 0-3 years old. It is a collection of songs in MSA about basic word groups such as the colors, seasons, greetings, musical instruments, etc. All of the songs are in Modern Standard Arabic, and made to create catchy, repetitive tunes for children to remember new vocabulary in Arabic. Songs can serve as powerful tools for recall (anybody else find themselves singing the “30 days has September, April, June, and November” song all the time, too?).

To watch or not to watch?
Ahlam Sim Sim is an excellent show for Arabic language learners looking to accelerate their listening comprehension. The show offers a fun way to learn words individually, with their meanings illustrated to re-enforce the association. Most importantly, Ahlan Sim Sim gives viewers words to express themselves to react properly and communicate in Arabic. Highly recommended for Arabic language learners seeking to become more conversational and improve their listening ear.




Ahlan Sim Sim