Black Money Love

Black money love.jpg

By Richard Alagbe

The short:

Omar, a police officer, lost his fiancée to a suspicious death. In the process of unraveling the mysterious death, he falls in love with Elif, the man's daughter who was murdered alongside his fiancée.

The long:

The movie setting takes place in Turkey and France. The plot development begins with the death of a police officer's (Omar) fiancée and a businessman. Omar becomes enveloped in solving the mystery behind his fiancée's death. He fell in love in the process with the businessman's daughter, Elif. The narrative structure resembles a Shakespearean play. The movie focuses on the theme of love, forgiveness, loyalty, and family. 

The movie revolves around four families in Turkey, ranging from the rich to the poor; it talks about crimes committed by the rich and how they use the poor to cover those crimes up. It talks about money laundry, child trafficking, etc.

To watch or not to watch?

To watch!!! The movie is a must-watch for everyone. This movie dig into Turkish society and how much crime has gotten into different parastatals, including government agencies. The movie summarized reality into a movie that cut across every race, religion, and society. It's a nice piece of art that will make you stay glued to your screen.


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