

Review by Tom Cummins

The short:

An insider’s look at the life of Ramallah’s mayor, Musa Hadid, as he faces typical municipal challenges exacerbated by Israeli occupation.

The long:

This biographical documentary follows the mayor of Ramallah through his daily challenges managing a city under occupation. Filmed directly prior to and following the Trump Administration’s 2018 Embassy move announcement, Mayor shows both the highlights and difficulties of leading Ramallah through a turbulent time. For me, the most impactful aspect of the film was how much Hadid expressed his love and care for the people of Ramallah; he engages with everyone he sees on the street, especially young children. Many of his initiatives are quite small, but they are meaningful. The fact that Hadid’s schedule often gets delayed because of his hosts insisting he join them for a meal demonstrates his broad popularity. Hadid is certainly someone I’d like to meet as his kindness, realism, and humor are invaluable qualities.

The watch or not to watch:

This film is definitely worth a watch. Hadid is incredibly charismatic, and viewers will certainly feel his visceral drive to improve the lives of his constituents through thoughtful acts, both large and small.


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