Omar Offendum


Review by Matteo Piovacari

The short: 

Omar Offendum is a Syrian-American artist and poet born in Saudi Arabia but living in the US. 

The long: 

Although of Arab origins, Omar Offendum grew up and established his musical career in the US, particularly in the city of Los Angeles. He became popular as a solo singer after 2010 thanks to his innovative style, blending old school hip-hop with Arab poetry and music. Remarkably, he owns part of his fame to the fact of having composed several critically acclaimed songs about the popular uprising in the MENA region, such as #Jan25, inspired by the revolution in Egypt in 2011, or #SYRIA, addressed to the Syrian revolution. Omar Offendum is also a notorious peace activist, involved with fundraising with several humanitarian relief groups, and lecturers, appearing at many universities across the US.

To listen or not to listen:

Definitely, to listen! For those appreciating a kind of music that is more than sound, but it is able to convene powerful messages and inspiring lyrics, Omar Offendum is a must-to-listen.




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