Out In the Dark

Out In the Dark.jpg

Review by Giorgia Piantanida

The short: A romantic drama centered around a Palestinian psychology student and an Israeli lawyer who meet one night in Tel Aviv. The two men share a romance neither of their families would accept, and make unforgettable sacrifices for the safety and happiness of the other.

The long: This movie hits on many themes throughout, and is compelling due to its emotional depth and raw honesty. The Palestinian psychology student, at the beginning of his romance, is hesitant and reluctant to admit he is falling for an Israeli lawyer. Their relationship is ‘forbidden’ in large part due to the Israeli-Palestinian backdrop, and their interactions never fail to highlight a new and different angle of it. Both men also face discrimination in their own families for their sexuality, and the movie underscores that, especially when Nimer, the Palestinian student, makes a trek back to his home in the West Bank. This movie’s depth and ability to highlight intricate, difficult problems creates a beautiful and convincing story, which sits with you long after you’ve walked away.

To watch or not to watch: Watch! It’s brilliantly done, and the story line is very compelling. The highs and lows of the two men’s relationships, as well as other events going on in the two men’s lives, cannot be explained in words - it must be seen. Plus, the way the movie ends is unexpected, and leaves the audience to solve some questions on their own. A must see movie.


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