Queens of Syria


Review by: Matthew Torbett

The short
This documentary by Yasmin Fedda highlights a group of 50 women who are Syrian refugees as they create their own production of Euripides’ The Trojan Women, interweaving their own stories of living in a war-torn country.

The long
These women, who have never acted before, draw parallels of their lives in Syria to the struggles the characters of The Trojan Women are facing. The Trojan Women was written by Euripides as a response to the war crimes the Greek army committed against the independent island of Melos. The play takes place after the fall of Troy, with only the women and children left alive, waiting to be taken to the ships by the Greeks and sold into slavery. This modern retelling via the documentary raises important observations in how history repeats itself, contemporary connection to Classic drama, and the collective power of diverse voices.

To watch or not to watch?
This film strongly connects the Syrian conflict to Classic drama by amplifying the voices of the women who have been affected the most. It is engaging, heartbreaking, and profound. Watch.

Link to trailer: https://vimeo.com/86996865


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