Rebellious Spirits (الأرواح المتمردة) By Gibran Khalil Gibran (1908)

Rebellious Spirits.jpeg

Review by Chirine Yamout

The short:

A collection of short stories that speak of souls who have rebelled against a society that has imposed harsh traditions and law, in a revolutionary stand against forced marriage and tyranny and more, in a beautiful artistic way.

The long:

Gibran was a distinguishable Lebanese poet, writer, and painter from the diaspora. He was born in Bcharre in Lebanon. He grew up in a poor household and did not receive a formal education during his youth. Later on, he immigrated with his family to the United States where he studied literature, and began his literary career, writing in both Arabic and English. Together with Mikhail Naimy and Ameen Rihany, alongside 8 other members founded the Pen League in New York in 1920. He’s mostly known for his book “The Prophet”, which has been translated to 10 languages. He died in 1931 and is buried in what is now known as the “Gibran Museum”.

The read or not to read:

An all-time favorite, I highly recommend it. this book will make you cry, laugh, and witness the reality of a harsh society that have often stripped happiness away from people.


Sabah - صباح


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