The President’s Inbox

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Review by: Jonathan Selling

The short
Put out by the Council on Foreign Relations, this podcast focuses each episode on a single US foreign policy challenge. James M. Lindsay interviews an expert on that challenge, ranging from researchers to government officials. The show is released weekly on Tuesdays.

The long
Despite what one may think from the title, the podcast is not overly American centered. Episodes usually take a more overarching view of the issue, rather than a narrow one of US foreign policy interests. Oftentimes the focus is on taking an overarching view of the issue, rather than the US’ narrow objectives. While this may seem to be a small difference, it is significant to how the show approaches issues. Lindsay is also very good at ensuring that the podcast is accessible to novice listeners. He often asks guests to slow down and explain concepts that might be unfamiliar to the lay listener. This makes the podcast a very strong introduction for those new to the world of international relations.

To listen or not to listen?
The President’s Inbox is a great weekly podcast. The experts are knowledgeable and the host does a wonderful job of interviewing the guests. The podcast can appeal to both IR neophytes, as well as more experienced practitioners.

The President’s Inbox


Rational Security

