The Status

Review by: Alphaeus Hanson

The short:

The Status Podcast is an excellent way to dive into the politics and current events of the MENA region. The Arab Studies Institute hosts guests that give a thorough review of topics pertaining to the region.

The long: 

The Arab Studies Institute is a multi-disciplinary research publication focused on the Arab world. They bring in experts to review and discuss contemporary MENA region topics on The Status Podcast. I gleaned new insights after listening to a recent episode on Iran’s efforts to censor the internet. The Podcast goes deeper than the surface level of analysis you find as part of a casual search for information. With 100 episodes exactly, there is surely enough material to suffice for even the most ebullient MENA region enthusiast!

To listen or not to listen:

If you are learning Arabic and are interested in the MENA region, I recommend giving these podcasts a listen, especially some of the short sound bites that are entirely in Arabic!


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