

Review by: Annika Cole

The short:

After fleeing his war-torn homeland of Syria, a doctor must fight to return to emergency medicine in his new home in Toronto, Canada. 

The long:

After becoming refugees and landing in Toronto, Dr. Bashir Hamed and his younger sister, Amira, struggle to build a new life. Bashir dreams to return to emergency medicine but must redo his medical training in Canada. When Bash saves an important figure from an explosion, his dreams come true and he is able to return to his beloved career in the emergency room at the best hospital in Toronto. However, his sharp emergency skills, tested in civil war, are unlike his colleagues and both he and Amira must overcome many obstacles to continue on while missing their home. 

To watch or not to watch:

Watch. This show tackles many of the obstacles faced by refugees and immigrants who arrive seeking to build a better life.  Another great bonus is that they speak some conversations in Arabic which is great practice if you are learning!




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