Al Fusaic

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Where do We Go Now?

Review by: Gabrielle Guerra

The short
In a small remote village in Lebanon, where Christians and Muslims have lived in peace for years, the women of the town resort to any means necessary to keep peace between the men who are being affected by sectarian politics.

The long
With a raging civil war happening around their tiny remote village in Lebanon, where Christian and Muslims have always lived in peace together, the women of the town seek to keep that peace by any means necessary. The war has already cost them the lives of some of their loved ones, and they have vowed to not let it claim anyone else. However, keeping the influence of sectarian politics out of their town has proven more difficult than they imagined. Through comical schemes ranging from sabotaging the village television to making hash laced sweets, these women’s commitment to peace and love drives them to do whatever necessary to keep the men of the town away from needless bloodshed.

To watch or not to watch?
Though a fictional story, it captures the measures that people are willing to go to find what divides us or what unites us. The profiles of the women reflect not just their commitment to peace, but also to one another and the love they share for their community, despite any differences. Truly a ‘dragedy’ (comedy and drama), it is worth the watch if you are looking for something that touches on deep issues with lots of humor interlaced within.