Zanka Contact

By Benjamin Lutz

The short:

Zanka Contact follows two lost souls, strung-out rocker Larsen and sex worker Rajaes, grappling with PTSD after their lives collide in a car crash.

The long:

Set in the dirty underbelly of Casablanca, Ismael El Iraki's directorial debut pays homage to '70s genre movies and Westerns and received glowing reviews after its debut at the Venice Film Festival in 2020.

El Iraki was inspired to make the film after he survive the 2015 Bataclan attack in Paris.

"It's still there. You are fucked for life but can learn to live with it. At the heart of the movie is this couple with intersecting traumas and how they can help each other," he told The Guardian.

To watch or not to watch?

Definitely watch, a really powerful film.


Sun Children


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