Al Fusaic

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Roots Society: د ر س


Pronounced: da-raā-sah / da-ra-saāt

  • N. Study / Studies (ie, “a field of study”)

  • Sammy decided to start the study of the Arabic language in college.

  • سامي قرر أن يبدأ دراسة اللغة العربية في الجامعة


Pronounced: da-raā-seh / yed-roos

  • V. (Form II) To Study or he studied / he studies

  • The girl studies for the test because her success is important.

  • البنت تدرس للامتحان لأنّ نجاحها مهم 


Pronounced: dar-ris / yed-ar-ris

  • V. (Form II) to teach or he taught / he teaches

  • My mother teaches the French language every weekend in order to obtain extra money.

  • امي تدرّس اللغة الفرنسية في كل نهاية أسبوع لتحصل على مصاري إضافية    


Pronounced: med-ra-seh

  • (N.) school

  • The children go to the neighborhood school everyday.

  • الأطفال يروحوا إلى مدرسة الحيّ كل يوم  


Pronounced: mu-dar-ris

  • (N.) tutor - male without the ة and female with it

  • In our class my tutor and I work on pronunciation and grammar.

  • في صفنا, أنا ومدرّسي بنشتغل على النطق والنحو 


  • Pronounced: du-rū-s

  • (N.) pl. Tutorials

  • The professor creates tutorials in order to help her new colleagues.

  • الأستاذة بتحضّر دروس عشان تساعد زملائها الجُدُد


Pronounced: dā-ris

  • (N.) (Form III) Student

  • The student did not understand the topics in his lessons.

  • الدارس ما فهم المواضيع في صفوفه

By Grace Landsberg and Nezha Almahi-LeBrasseur