Roots Society: خ ر ج



Pronounced: ta-khar-raj

  • (N.) graduation

  • Because the university is large, the graduation will take a long time.

  • لانو الجامعة كبيرة, التخرج راح ياخذ وقت طويل 


متخرج / متخرجين / متخرجات

Pronounced: mu-ta-kha-rij / mu-ta-kha-rijeen / mu-ta-kha-rijāt

  • (N.) graduate(s) - someone who has graduated

  • All of the graduates throw their caps in the air during the graduation.

  • كل المتخرجين يرمون قبعاتهم في الهواء خلال حفلة التخرج


تخرّج / يتخرّج

Pronounced: khar-raj / yekhar-raju

  • (V.) to graduate (Form II) 

  • All of the students will graduate in the spring.

  • كل الطلاب راح يتخرّجوا في فصل الربيع


خرج / يخرج

Pronounced: kha-raj / yekh-ruju

  • (V.) (Form I) To go out or he went out / he goes out

  • She left the apartment in order to buy food.

  • هي خرجت الشقة عشان تشتري الأكل


Pronounced: khā-rij

  • (N.) outside

  • I put my bike outside the door.

  • أنا حطّيت دراجتي خارج الباب



Pronounced: khi-rāj

  • (N.) Abscess

  • The dog has an abscess in his mouth.

  • الكلب عنده خراج في فمه


Pronounced: khu-rūj

  • (N.) exit 

  • After the movie concludes, the people will leave the theater through the exit.

  • بعدما يخلص الفيلم, الناس بيخرجو من باب الخروج.

By Grace Landsberg and Nezha Almahi-LeBrasseur


Girls Of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea


Roots Society: د ر س