The Almoravids (in Arabic, المرابطون [al-murābiṭūn], singular مرابط [murābiṭ], means "the marabout", which is a religious leader in North and West Africa. The Almoravids were religious soldiers who came from nomadic groups in the Sahara. The Almoravids adopted a rigorist interpretation of Islam and unified large areas in the occidental part of the Muslim world. They formed an empire between the 11th and 12th centuries, centered around Morocco. The Almoravid Empire extended into what is known today as Mauritania, Algeria, Morocco, Spain, and Portugal. The Almoravid empire’s territory had a vast expansion, however, their reign was a fairly short-lived dynasty.
[i] Abdallah ibn Yasin
[ii] Sanhajas
[iii] fortress
[iv] Ali B. Yusuf
[v] the Christian advancement as well as the Almohad revolt
[vi] The Lamtuna
[vii] the Almohads
[viii] a complex network of canalizations
[ix] the al-Qarawiyyin mosque
[x] intrados and recti curvilinear lines
[xi] Almoravid dignitaries
[xii] The Maliki jurists
[xiii] military system
[xiv] Aghmat
[xv] Marrakesh
[xvi] Abdallah ibn Yasin
[xvii] Ishaq ibn Ali
[xviii] Al-Andalus
[xix] Taifas of Badajoz
[xx] Seville
[xxi] King Alfonso VI
[xxii] Trans-Saharan trade routes
[xxiii] Maravedí
By Camila Neergaard