The Ghassanids, also known as Banu Ghassan (House of Ghassan) were a tribe who migrated from modern day Yemen to the Levant in the early 3rd century. The Ghassanid civilization became a client state of the Byzantine Empire and served as a buffer territory between the Byzantines and their enemies, the Persian Sassanids and the Arab Lakhmids. The Ghassanids were Arabic-speaking Christians, whose power spanned the Levant and the Hejaz, with a capital in the Golan Heights. The spread of Islam in the 7th century scattered the Ghassanid people whose descendants now reside mainly in Lebanon and North and South America.
* The image for Ghassanid 101 comes from this link: Ghassanid
[i] empire adopted Christianity
[ii] Syria
[iii] Lebanon
[iv] Jordan
[v] Iraq
[vi] Palestine
[vii] Israel
[viii] Miaphysitism
[ix] Saudi Arabia
[x] fought alongside the Byzantine Empire
[xi] forced to convert to Islam or pay the jizya tax
[xii] Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan
[xiii] “King of all Arabs” by Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 529 CE
[xiv] Kingdom of Saba
[xv] Byzantine Empire
[xvi] King Al-Harith Ibn Jabalah
[xvii] Day of Halima
[xviii] paving the way for Islam centuries later
[xix] West Arabian spice trade routes
By Alyssa Kristeller