At the height of their power, which is said to be from 1700 to 1200 BCE, The Hittites expanded to be a similar size as the Egyptian kingdom. The Hittites occupied the Asia Minor region, which is also known as modern day Turkey. The reign of the Hittites is divided into two different areas; The Old Kingdom and New Kingdom, which were both very eventful eras for the Hittites in their own distinct way. They are best well-known for crafting the earliest known surviving peace treaty in 1271 BCE between the Egyptian pharaoh, Ramses II and Hattusilis III, King of the Hittites.
[i] political diplomacy
[ii] burning of Hattusa
[iii] The Eternal Treaty
[iv] maintained an influence
[v] written documentation
[vi] Battle of Kadesh
[vii] King Anitta
[viii] empire’s religious leader
[ix] King Suppiluliuma I
[x] The Hittites overtook the region
[xi] Treaty of Eternal Peace
[xii] the Mittani Kingdom
[xiii] the United Nations
[xiv] agriculture and steel
[xv] free people, artisans, or slaves
By Matthew Lauster