The Iron Age kingdom, Lydia, was located in Western Asia Minor, east of ancient Ionia. The Lydian kingdom derived from the Hittite Empire in 1200 BCE and prospered for 654 years until their collapse in 546 BCE. At the height of the empire, they had conquered most of Western Anatolia. During their reign, the Lydian population spoke Lydian which was a member of the Anatolian language family. The Lydian civilization is best remembered to this day for their contributions of being the first civilization to establish permanent retail shops and being the creator of the world’s first gold and silver coin currency.
[i] Achaemenid King, Cyrus the Great
[ii] Assyria
[iii] Milesians
[iv] Cimmerians
[v] temple of Artemis at Ephesus
[vi] Seven Wonders of the ancient world
[vii] diocese of Asia in the Patriarchate of Constantinople
[viii] Lydus
[ix] through 22 generations
[x] his former friend Gyges
[xi] "rich as Croesus''
[xii] Phrygian Empire
[xiii] increasing its own wealth at the same time
[xiv] royal road built from Ephesus through Sardis
[xv] fire extinguished to no avail
[xvi] Croesus was favored by the Gods
[xvii] first people to use gold and silver coins
[xviii] establish permanent retail locations
[xix] history’s richest civilizations
[xx] attribute its wealth and prosperity
[xxi] legendary gold-bearing sands of the Pactolus stream
[xxii] perfumes vases
[xxiii] Mount Tmolus
[xxiv] King Croesus' reign
By Jaeden Coons