Between approximately 350 CE to 1560 CE, the Makuria Empire occupied what is now Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt. The timeline is unclear as Makuria likely evolved from the existing Nobatia Empire, however, the transition is believed to be marked by the Kingdom's shift to Christianity. Although there is a relative lack of information on the ancient Makurian Civilization, the significance of a dominant Christian civilization during the period of regional transition to becoming predominantly Islamic should not be understated. Significantly, Makuria is often noted for their alliances which crossed religious lines, leading to their reputation as a peaceful civilization.
* The image for Makuria 101 comes from this link: Makuria
[i] in approximately 800 BCE
[ii] large number of uncovered religious artifacts
[iii] preventing famine that was common in agricultural regions among the Nile
[iv] Ayyubid Dynasty
[v] the Northern Region was quick to fall next
[vi] Fatimids
[vii] strong trade network with the Makurians
[viii] enslaved people to their neighbors
[ix] the downfall of Makuria
[x] pottery
[xi] paintings
[xiii] priests and performed mass
[xiv] transitioned to the Kurdish favored method of Uncle to Nephew
[xv] rural farming communities
[xvi] advanced irrigation tactics
[xvii] hundreds of churches
[xviii] 17 feet high
[xix] best paintings
[xx] farming and ranching
[xxi] Makuria’s economy with that of their neighbors
[xxii] contributed to their downfall
By Maeve Cassetty