The Minaeans were the inhabitants of the kingdom of Ma’in, located in the North-West of Yemen. Despite much being written about Ma’in’s neighboring kingdoms of Sabaean, Qataban, and Hadhramaut, relatively little is known about the Minaeans. In fact, the dates of Ma’in’s existence are still debated, although there is proof the kingdom existed at least between the 8th and 2nd centuries BCE. However, this could change with archeological sites, such as the one at Baraqish, receiving increasing attention. At their height, the Minaeans were the masters of trade in the region and maintained friendly relations with most other major kingdoms nearby.
* The image for Minaean 101 comes from this link: Minaean
[i] 8th century BCE
[ii] confederation with the tribe of Yathill
[iii] political and economic expansion
[iv] Mentions of the Minaeans in ancient texts disappear
[v] economic alliances
[vi] Trade relations
[vii] Phoenicia
[viii] skirmishes and caravan attacks
[ix] Minaean language and writing system
[x] ruins of Yathill
[xi] monuments, temples, and the old city walls
[xii] Ma’an
[xiii] king who oversaw legislative functions
[xiv] elements of democracy
[xv] kabir
[xvi] mercantile collective of city-states
[xvii] timeframe of Ma’in’s existence is still being debated
[xviii] became the predominant traders
[xix] enjoy friendly relations
[xx] Egypt
[xxi] Minaic inscriptions
[xxii] trading posts and colonies
[xxiii] diplomatic ventures
[xxiv] exerted their expansive influence
[xxv] temples and walls
[xxvi] monopolize the world’s major trade routes
[xxvii] operated major trading posts throughout the region
[xxviii] Assyria
[xxix] frankincense and myrrh
[xxx] vulnerable to periods of conflict
[xxxi] Seleucids
By David Hamilton