The history of Yemen before the Ayyubid Dynasty took over the area in 1171 was “largely that of the number petty dynasties governing the independent cities of Zabid, San’a and Aden.” The Zurayid Dynasty was the most expansive, covering the majority of the geography of modern-day Yemen and parts of western Oman. The Zurayid dynasty had very close ties with the dwindling Sulayhid Dynasty including intermarriage with the last Sulayhid Queen, Queen Arwa, and sharing land and resources. Although only lasting about 100 years, the territorial expanse of the Zurayids and their trading prowess is what they are most remembered for.
* The image for Zurayid 101 comes from this link: Zurayid
[i] city of Aden
[ii] Shia Ismaili Hamdanis
[iii] Hamdanid-descended empires
[iv] Mahdids attacked Aden
[v] coinage specifically
[vi] “Coined money facilitated cross-cultural exchanges, and expertise in handling diverse but shared instruments of trade.”
[vii] Indian Ocean slave and commodity trade routes
[viii] port city of Aden proved to be Zurayid’s biggest asset
[ix] “Large-scale wholesale slave trading was uncommon in the medieval Indian Ocean world. Instead, merchants generally trafficked in small numbers of enslaved people as part of larger mixed cargoes.”
[x] coastal city of Aden
[xi] textiles, spices, perfume, and porcelain
By Isaac Miles