Across the Arab world, Egypt is referred to as “Om el Donia” (“Mother of the World”). That is by virtue of it being home to one the most ancient civilizations in the world. Ancient Egyptian civilization has gifted the world many inventions, like the 365-day calendar. Today, Egypt is the most populous country in the MENA region, with a population of ~100 million. It is also home to the largest Christian community in the MENA region, the Copts. In fact, many Egyptians do not consider themselves Arab. One study states that, in-fact, the composition of Egyptian DNA is predominantly not Arab.
[i] Biggest media producer
[ii] Indigenous language
[iii] Al-Azhar University
[iv] Senate
[v] Exports
[vi] 2016
[vii] Nasserism
[viii] Anwar Sadat
[ix] Nile River Delta
By Helana Reyad