Nestled in the Arabian Peninsula is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi flag states, “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” Saudi is known for following a strict version of Sunni Islam, called Salafism, and has two of the holiest places in Islam within its loosely defined borders. Due to its exportation of oil, Saudi has solidified its place in world economics and is the only Arab country to participate in the G-20 Summit. However, Saudi is more than oil and Islam. It is also home to a rich cultural history waiting to be explored.

[i] Faifi and Razihi 
[ii] Gregorian calendar 
[iii] Hajj 
[iv] Expats
[v] OPEC
[vi] ‘Saudization’ 
[vii] Pact 
[vii] Present Day 
[ix] Saudi 
[x] Rijal Almaa 
[xi] Tourist Destinations

By Andreanna Mond