Waltz with Bashir


Review by: Robert English

The short
An Israeli film maker and war veteran explores stories of the 1982 War in Lebanon.

The long
Since coming home from the 1982 War in Lebanon, Ari Folman realizes he is missing large chunks of his memory during the war. He sets out interviewing other IDF veterans of the 1982 War to piece together what he has forgotten and why. As the stories of others continue, Ari Folman begins to explore deeper into his own experiences and guilt, and the specific events in the war they come from. Stunning animated visuals are used to portray the effects of psychological trauma and how it influences memory.

To watch or not to watch?
Harrowing and brutal at times, the unique animated style makes it a must watch for those looking for more representation of the personal side of war. Watch to learn more from individual stories in historic events, but know going in the film is unrepentant in showing graphic violence, including documentary footage of war crimes.


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