Al Fusaic

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Review by: Jonathan Selling

The short
Worldly is Vox’s weekly foreign new recap podcast. Vox journalists Zack Beauchamp, Jennifer Williams, and Alex Ward are the hosts and they recap and analyze major international news events over the last week.

The long
The episodes usually only tackle one to three major incidents from over the last week, which can occasionally lead to surprising omissions, but which is to be expected given the constraints of the medium. In relation to Vox’s other podcasts, many of which are excellent and well worth a listen, Worldly does not have the same level of quality. The show does not give an in depth look at the issues and restricts itself to a very surface level retelling of what happened with a small amount of context. This reduces the amount of insight that the show has and in many cases is no more illuminating than reading a news article on the topic

To listen or not to listen?
If you are interested in a surface-level overview of the issues discussed, then Worldy is a good starter podcast. There are numerous other podcasts with the same format that are more nuanced and go deeper into the issues, so if you are looking for a more robust take on the topics, Wordly is not the best choice for you. Against this competition of other podcasts, it is hard to recommend giving Worldly a listen.