From 1472-1554, the Wattasids controlled the region that is now northern Morocco and ruled from Fez, their capital city. This dynasty descended from the Marinid people, who originated from Zenata Amazigh descent. Under the Wattasids, this region faced a variety of economic, political, and social issues– including the encroachment of European colonial forces along the Moroccan coast which ultimately led to the end of their rule. They were displaced by the Saadi Dynasty who were more successful in their military campaigns against the Portuguese forces present in the Maghreb, retaking the major port cities of Tangier, Ceuta, and Mazighen.
* The image for Wattasid 101 comes from this link: Wattasid
[i] Saadi
[ii] appeasers to colonial powers
[iii] Southern Morocco
[iv] Jewish and Muslim immigration
[v] only 3000 remain
[vi] only Jewish Museum in any Arab country
[vii] Abu Abd Allah al-Sheikh Muhammad ibn Yahya
[viii] the Idrisid sharifian elite
[ix] established multiple outposts
[x] defenders of the Islamic community
[xi] Idrisid
[xii] Marinid Dynasty
[xiii] discovered the tomb of Fez’s founding father and patron saint
[xiv] commercial relations
[xv] Trade in sugar and saltpeter
[xvi] raiding and enslaving local Moroccans
By Chloe Pan